Linux Live USB Creator Features:
- Fast:in terms of speed, it leaves UNetbootin (which I have used extensively) in the dust.
- Wide range of supported Linux distros: almost any that you could think of, including Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE, Mint, Slax, CentOS, ArchLinux, Gentoo, PCLinuxOS, Sabayon, BackTrack, Puppy Linux, Mandriva, and many others. Many other tools are supported, such as Gparted, Ophcrack, Parted Magic, etc.
- Burn almost any ISO to bootable USB: including Windows (but apparently excluding Windows XP and MacOS ISO’s).
- Persistence: i.e. the ability to save your data on the USB, is supported in approximately half the supported distros. Although you cannot update core files or install drivers, you can install software, create files and folders, and even install Linux on your PC’s hard drive (from you USB key).
- Virualization: will create a virtual Linux on that can be run from within Windows, in a single click. Simply run Virtualize_This_Key.exe from within the VirtualBox folder on your USB key. To do this it will auto-download Virtualbox in the background, without bothering you with the details (see screenshot on top right).
- Portable version: available, which can work with a portable version of Virtualbox as well.