Wondershare DemoCreator 3.5.1 Features:
- Record actions take on a specific application.
- Record actions take on a custom region.
- Record actions take on the entire screen.
- Record mouse clicks, keystrokes
- Stop recording with hotkey.
- Record narration while recording.
- Generate annotations and highlights automatically while recording.
- Add sound clips (WAV, MP3).
- Add still images (BMP, JPG, PNG, ICO, EMF, WMF).
- Add animated images (GIF)
- Preview your edits and transitions in real-time.
- Add callout, shape, text to make notes, button and edit entry
- Auto-size shapes, callouts, text and edit entries.
- Set border of elements (properties allowed to change: style, color, transparency, thickness)
- Add a master image as logo or signature. (New!)
- Fill elements in different ways (solid fill, gradient fill, fill with picture)
- Add text to elements (properties allowed to change: font, color, style, size, alignments)
- Set actions when click button (do nothing, continue, go to slide, go to URL, close movie, E-mail)